Come join us for Great Lakes Nationals on Sept 13th and 14th, 2024
A Feature 1 (15 Laps): 22-Drew Phillips 0-Mike Currier 23-Isaiah Hopkins 6-Ashley Giesbrecht 13R-Al Ridgeway 66-Josh Ridgeway 31-Trenton Dingman 27-Amber Fenner 13-Colin Preston 3-Elliott Warnke 02-Riley Kettler Sage 55-Chayson Eberspeaker 64M-Chelsea Martin 76-Rod Burtis (DNS) 72-Kevin Rohn; (DNS) 16D-Jeremy David; (DNS) 93-Zachary Friend (DNS) 2.7-Tanya Monk
Three wide start!!
Congratulations to Zac Gilliland on his 1st Feature win!!!
Major accident with two late models rolling over!! All drivers were ok.
A Feature 1 (25 Laps): 41N-Ryan Nethers 44K-Jeff Kohn 7S-Ashlee Scott 3T-John Taylor 21-Tim Raby 34-Randy Prout 1*-Gary Buskirk 44H-Blake Hollenbeck 7-Jeremy Williams 32-Paul Denny 62-Dustin Weber 36-Jeremy Spencer 99-Kyle Hunt 87-Rob Putt 67-Trever Monk 45-Michael Husted 9T-Ryan Teeter (DNS) 17-David Doty; 19. (DNS) 57-Brandon Weber
Crystal Motor Speedway